How dangerous helium balloons and whether they are worth letting children near?


All you need to know about helium balloons International business: competing in the global marketplace
Kids - Entertainment - Fun facts

Today you can often hear that the balloons filled with helium are very dangerous to human health, often such statements come from uninformed people who are guided by some personal considerations. And we will tell you the whole truth about these balloons and answer the frequently arising questions.

Is inhaling helium dangerous to human health?

Many parents are worried about this question because their children often come in contact with helium balloons, will the gas in the balloons affect their health? The answer is that helium is safe for the health of people of all ages, as evidenced by scuba divers who breathe the gas before diving to great depths, because helium is almost insoluble in human blood.

Is helium in bottles dangerous?

All helium cylinders available for sale are certified and they will not be sold in stores without a quality certificate so you can safely use such cylinders on children's parties. Danger occurs only if the pressure in the cylinder exceeds 150 atmospheres, this can occur if the cylinder will be deformed (bent or crumpled), but bend or crumple helium cylinder is not easy, unless of course you stalemate beating on it with a sledgehammer. There is also a danger in case of drilling the helium balloon, but hopefully this will not occur to you =)

Why should you inflate balloons with helium?

Helium is an inert gas, it doesn't burn or interact with other substances and is completely safe to breathe. At the same time, it is lighter than air and thus lifts the balloons up.

As for other gases, such as methane, which almost everyone has at home (connected to the gas stove) - this gas is only slightly lighter than air, it can not be breathed and is easily ignited. Only a very huge balloon filled with methane can fly into the atmosphere, and that will be a very long process. As for hydrogen - it is even lighter than helium, a balloon filled with hydrogen will fly up very fast, but hydrogen is very explosive. Normal air would be an excellent alternative, but the balloon will not fly upwards.

What if a helium balloon bursts indoors?

People are often worried about their kids who like to pop balloons indoors, what will happen if they burst several helium balloons at once? The answer is nothing, the helium will rise to the ceiling and escape through the micro cracks. This gas does not cause allergic reactions, it is completely safe and children can safely allow it to inhale and fool around (when you inhale helium your voice changes a few tones higher). But you should be aware that a very large amount of helium in your lungs may cause migraines.

Can I smoke near helium balloons and is open flames dangerous?

You can smoke, helium is not explosive and does not flammable, the maximum that can happen is that the balloon will burst. Accordingly, open flames near balloons are safe.

Source: konfirmations pynt